United States government has called upon the federal government of Somalia to show the political will for establishment of viable state and strong democratic institutions.
Speaking during UN Security Council meeting in New York, US ambassador to United Nations has urged Somali leaders to show commitment in political development and democratic institutional building.
“Somali leaders must be committed in the political and democratic development in their country to pave way for strong viable state,†said Samantha Power.
Ambassador Power added that improving the volatile security in the horn of the African state depends on the steps taken by the federal government of Somalia.
She called upon President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud government to speed up the rebuilding and equipment of Somali National Army and other key government institutions.
Samantha Power underlined the need for the federal government of Somalia to spread administration to the areas liberated from the armed group Alshabaab.
US government is key supporter of federal government of Somalia in the fight against armed group Alshabaab by training Somali Special Forces who have recently carried out significant operations that led to the death of key Alshabaab figures.