The course which covered both theory and practical aspects was aimed at equipping the participants with the required skills on protective security to prevent and forestall attacks and assassination attempts carried out by terrorists against political office holders, judges, state officials, foreign dignitaries and senior security officers.
The topics covered included protective security details, use of force, use of shoulder weapons, tactical radio communication, security detail formation, motorcade formation, protective intelligence, human rights, briefing and debriefing, attacks on motorcade and procedures to evacuate VIPs amongst others.
AMISOM’s lead trainer ASP James Kargbo commended the officers for the zeal with which they undertook the training.
“I believe they will be in a better position to protect VIPs since now they have undertaken two weeks of rigorous training,†he said.
Bay, Bakool and Gedo Police Commissioner Gen. Jeylani Mohamed Sheikhuna thanked AMISOM for the close cooperation and capacity building for SPF.
“I want to thank AMISOM for this training and the numerous trainings they have offered to our police. You are helping us at a much needed time. We hope there will be more training for our police,†said Gen. Jeylani Mohamed Sheikhuna.
The ceremony held at the closure of the training was also attended by the ISWA Minister for Rehabilitation and Disarmament Hassan Elay, sector 3 Police Commissioner General Jeylani Mohamed Sheikhuna, Bay region Police Commissioner Col. Mahat Abdirahman and Superintendent of Police Alicia Abbah who represented AMISOM Police Commissioner.
The training is expected to help the participants be able to plan protective missions, give adequate protection to VIPs and coordinate their operations better through effective communication.
Source: AMISOM