In an incident at Seidi Secondary School in Mogadishu’s Wadajir district, Abdirahman Maclow Abikar, a dedicated teacher, was fatally stabbed on Monday for reportedly reprimanding a female student.
The suspect, identified as Hassan Mohamed Mahmoud, is the brother of the student who was disciplined by Abikar, according to authorities.
Ali Mohamed Haile, the principal of Seidi School, provided a detailed account of the events leading to the tragedy.
Haile explained that the conflict arose when Abikar disciplined a student by striking her on the head with a book and admonishing her.
The student subsequently reported the incident to her brother, triggering a violent response.
“Without any prior dialogue, he confronted the teacher and stabbed him with a knife.
When the teacher attempted to rise, he suffered a fatal stab wound to the left breast, perilously close to his heart,” Haile revealed.
The perpetrator swiftly fled the scene, eluding capture despite the prompt response by Wadajir district’s security forces. Efforts to apprehend Hassan Mohamed Mahmoud are ongoing.
This shocking killing is part of a deeply concerning trend of violence that has enveloped Mogadishu in recent times.
The city recently witnessed the murder of a man by his wife and her two sons following a family dispute, further highlighting the disturbing surge in violence.
Somali officials have also noted a troubling increase in domestic violence incidents across the country, pointing to a broader societal issue that requires urgent attention.