On Tuesday morning the police in the breakaway state of Somaliland have in mob collected the Oromo community living in the capital of Somaliland Hargeisa.
The police caught the Oromo people from their shanty houses in the outskirts of Hargeisa, on the streets and from their workplaces in the capital Hargeisa.
The reason behind the collection of the Oromo community comes after it was said that an Oromo cannibal man has devoured a native toddler.
A part from the police target the citizens of Somaliland have been also targeting the Oromo people in Hargeisa after the report of cannibalism emerged.
The Oromo have been living in Hargeisa for more than 20 years, and got interacted with the Somalilanders and got low class jobs in Hargeisa and the other towns in Somaliland.
The Oromo community is the largest community in Ethiopia, but when it comes to the government they have no power it is only Tigary dominated government.
The Oromo community formed a rebellion against the Tigray government in Ethiopia, intending to quash it, but instead they have been quashed and got scattered in the neighboring countries such as Somalia, in the breakaway state of Somalia and in Kenya.
Radio Dalsan
Mohamed Omar Hussein
[email protected]