The highest ranking officer in the Somali Military General Dahir Adan Cilmi [Indha-qarshe] has on Sunday given orders that the former retired handicapped Somali Military personnel who are residing in Martini hospital, which is one of the oldest hospitals in Mogadishu and built by the Italian colony to vacate the hospital with immediate effect.
“The Military Commander has given the former retired Somali Military officers who are currently dwelling in Martini hospital to vacate the hospital within 15 days time†said Abdi Mahad the spokesman of the Somali military addressing the retired military handicaps inside the hospital.
On the other hand the spokesman has urged the Somali government to organize residential areas for these former military officers who lost parts of their bodies while defending the country from external enemies.
These handicapped former military officers lost parts of their bodies in 1964 and 1977 when Somalia went into war with Ethiopia, and have been residing in Martini hospital since after the collapse of the last effective central government in Somalia back in 1991.
Radio Dalsan
Mohamed Omar Hussein