Mogadishu: Somalia government on Tuesday declared Ali Mohamed Adan a Counselor II at the Embassy of Ethiopia in Mogadishu persona non grata ordering him to pack up and leave the country within 72 hours.
In a statement issued by the Foreign Affairs ministry Adan is accused of interefering with Somalia’s internal affairs.
“The Ministry announces that Mr. Ali Mohamed Adan, currently serving as Counsellor II at the Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in Somalia has engaged in activities incompatible with his diplomatic role. These actions constitute a breach of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations(1961) particularly Articles 41 and 42 which mandate diplomats to respect the laws of the host nation and abstain from involvement in it’s internal affairs” the statement partly said.
The ministry stated that it took the measure ” to safeguard national interests and uphold international diplomatic standards underscoring Somalia’s commitment to protecting its sovereignty and adhering to international law”
Mogadishu’s decision to expel Adan is seen as an effort to crack down on any actions that might infringe on its sovereignty and internal matters.
This diplomatic fallout comes amid already strained relations between Mogadishu and Addis Ababa, which have been tense since Ethiopia signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Somaliland on January 1 of this year. The MoU, viewed by Somalia as an infringement on its territorial integrity, has caused bilateral relations to sour, fueling Somali authorities’ vigilance against any perceived encroachment by Ethiopian representatives.