The Council prolonged the mandate of its two CSDP missions in Somalia, the civilian mission of capacity building EUCAP and the military training mission EUTM, both until 31 December 2018. Â The Council renamed the capacity building mission EUCAP Nestor “EUCAP Somalia”.
The objective of EUCAP Somalia is to assist this country in strengthening its maritime security capacity, so that maritime law is enforced more effectively. The EU military mission EUTM Somalia contributes to the capacity building of Somali National Army (SNA).
The EU has a comprehensive approach in Somalia based on active diplomacy and support to the political process, security support, development assistance and humanitarian aid. It aims to tackle both the symptoms and root causes of piracy. The EU support includes the two missions prolonged today, as well as EU NAVFOR Operation Atalanta, the EU military operation countering piracy off the coast of Somalia. The operation was prolonged on 28 November 2016 until 31 December 2018.
EUCAP Somalia
The Council prolonged the mission until 31 December 2018. The mission is tasked with enhancing Somalia’s maritimecivilian law enforcement capacity, for example, reinforcing the Somali capacity to carry out fisheries inspections, counter smuggling and fight piracy, supporting Somali authorities in developing the necessary legislation and strengthening the criminal justice chain in the maritime domain, and providing training and equipment.
EUCAP Nestor (now EUCAP Somalia) was launched in July 2012. Its mandate was to assist countries from the Horn of Africa and Western Indian Ocean regions developaself-sustaining capacity for continued enhancement of maritime security, including counter-piracy and maritime governance. It was decided that the mission should focus on Somalia, which is now reflected in the renaming of the mission. The head of the mission is Maria-Cristina Stepanescu (Romania).
EUTM Somalia
The EU military mission contributes to the capacity building of Somali National Army with the three pillar approach, training, mentoring and advising.EUTM Somalia was also prolonged until 31 December 2018, with a budget of close to €23 million for the period from 1 January 2017 until 31 December 2018. It aims to contribute to strengthening the transitional federal government and the defence and security institutions of this country. The mission commander is Brigadier General Maurizio Morena (Italy).