The discussions centered on deepening collaboration to advance Somalia’s peacebuilding efforts, political reforms, and national development. DiCarlo applauded the Somali government’s progress in key areas, particularly in its military operations against the militant group Al-Shabaab, a critical part of the country’s broader strategy to restore security and stability.
The fight against Al-Shabaab has been central to the government’s efforts, and international partners have recognized its success.
President Mohamud highlighted the importance of the UN’s continued involvement in Somalia’s rebuilding process, particularly in the fields of governance, security, and humanitarian support. He stressed that the UN’s assistance has been instrumental in advancing Somalia’s recovery and development goals, especially as the country navigates its path toward sustainable peace and stability.
One of the key themes of the meeting was Somalia’s commitment to democratic reforms.
DiCarlo commended the Somali leadership for its dedication to implementing universal suffrage, a bold move toward a more inclusive political system.
DiCarlo’s visit comes as part of the UN’s ongoing diplomatic engagement with Somalia, aimed at bolstering international support for the country’s development and peacebuilding initiatives.
This meeting highlights the continued partnership between Somalia and the United Nations, with both parties focused on ensuring that peacebuilding and reform efforts align with Somalia’s unique needs and future aspirations.
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Radio Station
Radio Dalsan was established in April 2012 in Mogadishu, Somalia with FM frequency 91.5MHz . The radio is registered with the federal ministry of information in Somalia. Dalsan is an independent and autonomous FM Radio station. The radio broadcasts for 18 hours in Somalia and also the Radio is on satellite broadcasting to Africa and Asia.
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