Alshabab has on Saturday morning whipped Saciid Ali Rooble for what they say that he has raped a woman in the location.
The verdict was passed by Alshabab’s court at Galhareeri location in Galgaduud region in central Somalia.
The indicted was flogged 100 times in an open area where the majority of the residents in Galhareeri location gathered. “The verdict of the rapist Mr. Saciid seemed to be right, because the accused has confessed that he committed the crime†said Adan Noor a resident in Galhareeri location speaking to the English department of Radio Dalsan in Mogadishu.
During the verdict the relatives of the raped lady whose name was Sacdiyo Dahir Ali was present, and endorsed how the judgment was done.
During their time Alshabab has implemented many executions on rapists and people who have committed adultery.
Radio Dalsan
Mohamed Omar Hussein
[email protected]