During an event in Mogadishu marking the first anniversary of October 29, 2022’s twin bombing at Somalia’s education ministry on Sunday, Prime Minister Hamse Abdi Barre called on all Somali Sheikhs to help fight al-Shabab.
While taking a dig at recent criticism by several Somali clerics concerning turmoil in Gaza, Palestine Primeรย Ministerรย Barreรย advisedรย clergyรย toรย addressรย theรย difficultiesรย posedรย byรย al-Shabaabรย orรย enableรย otherรย clericsรย toรย debateรย them.
He underlinedรย theรย importanceรย ofรย scholars,รย Imams,รย andรย Sheikhsรย inรย backingรย theรย government’sรย anti-al-Shabaabรย efforts.
“There are many Sheikhs and Imams who preach in the mosques, but they have not uttered a word about the Khawarij. What is that Sheikh or Imams telling the people? Some of them exaggerate the events in other places. To the scholars who cannot talk about the problems of al-Shabab, I say, open the mosque for those who can address these issues,” stated Prime Minister Hamse Abdi Barre.
President Hassan Sheikh waged a multifaceted war against militants last year ,รย which includes military, ideological, and economic measures.
Centering on ideology , the president and his administration held Clerics meeting with over 400 Islamic scholars from within Somalia and neighboring nations earlier this year.
It was the first time in years that Somali clerics from all sects of Islam came together to denounce terrorism. Even the conservative Wahhabi sect, which has been accused of sympathizing with al-Shabab, participated.