In a decisive response to the devastating Friday night attack at Beachview Restaurant in Mogadishu, Prime Minister Hamze Barre has declared immediate action, including the arrest of security officers stationed in the Liddo area.
The attack, attributed to the terrorist group Al-Shabaab, claimed the lives of nearly 40 individuals, many of whom were young people enjoying a night out.
The horrific incident unfolded on Friday night at Beachview Restaurant, a popular spot along Mogadishu’s coastline.
The attack resulted in the tragic loss of at least 35 lives, with many victims being young people who had gathered to enjoy the evening. Eyewitnesses described scenes of chaos and devastation as the terrorist group targeted innocent civilians, turning a place of leisure into one of horror.
Prime Minister Hamze Barre, speaking after visiting the injured at Erdogan Hospital in Mogadishu, expressed deep sorrow and outrage over the attack. He emphasized the need for accountability among the security forces, declaring that all officers based in the Liddo area would be held responsible for the security breach that allowed the attack to occur.
“This is an unacceptable failure,” Barre stated. “We must hold those responsible to account to ensure such tragedies do not happen again.”
In his address, the Prime Minister offered heartfelt condolences to the families of those who lost their lives and expressed his hope for a swift recovery for the injured. “The terrorist group Al-Shabaab has not only taken the lives of our young people but has attacked the future of our nation,” Barre said. “We mourn with the families and stand with them in their grief.”
The Prime Minister’s announcement underscores the government’s commitment to enhancing security measures in the capital and across the country. The arrest of security officers is seen as a crucial step in addressing the failures that led to the attack.
“We must ensure our security apparatus is robust and vigilant,” Barre noted. “Our citizens must feel safe in their own country.”
Al-Shabaab, a notorious organization, has been responsible for numerous attacks in Somalia, targeting both civilians and government officials. Their campaign of terror aims to destabilize the region and impose their extremist ideology. The Beachview Restaurant attack is a grim reminder of the persistent threat posed by the group.
The international community and domestic leaders have condemned the attack, calling for increased support in the fight against terrorism. The United Nations, African Union, and neighbouring countries have expressed solidarity with Somalia and offered assistance in the wake of the tragedy.