A police officer in Mogadishu was apprehended by the police for the murder of his former colleague in Hawa Taako village, Wadajir district. The suspect, identified as Mowlid Mohamud Ahmed, is now in custody, facing charges for the killing of Dahir Abdi Ahmed, a 45-year-old former police officer. The incident has triggered public outrage, leading to protests in the village as residents demand justice for the deceased.
According to a statement released by the Somali Police Force, the tragic incident occurred on Saturday afternoon when Mowlid Mohamud Ahmed allegedly took the life of Dahir Abdi Ahmed.
The exact motives behind the act remain unclear at this stage of the investigation. However, the police force has given assurances to the public that the accused will face swift and appropriate legal action for his actions.
The news of the murder has deeply disturbed the community, particularly due to the involvement of a serving police officer.
As word spread, residents of Hawa Taako village took to the streets, expressing their anger and demanding justice for the slain former officer. The protesters united in their grief and outrage, called for a thorough investigation into the incident and urged the authorities to ensure that the perpetrator faces the full extent of the law.
Acknowledging the public’s concerns, the police force has emphasized its commitment to delivering justice swiftly and transparently. The authorities have assured the community that no influence or favouritism will be shown in handling the case, and they have vowed to leave no stone unturned in the pursuit of truth and accountability.