The Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Somalia H.E. Omar Sharmarke has concluded a two day conference attended by the Civil Society from both regional and district level local governments.
The conference was organized and facilitated by the Ministry of Constitutional affairs with the aim to include the civil society in the process of finalizing the Provisional Constitution.
In the conclusion the attendees proposed to insert 14 points in the Provisional Constitution before concluding its provisional period on 2016 while pledging to raise the awareness of the general public both in the domestic and Diaspora in order to fully comprehended.
The Prime Minister in his closing remarks stressed the importance of the consultative process for the completion of the Constitution. He pointed out that the Civil society are the core essential to be part of this process to make the Provisional Constitution complete.
“Our country has suffered from a long period of political instability, today we are working on completing the final drafts to the Constitution in order to attain political stability governed by a strong and solid Constitution”..this was said by the Prime Minister who also advised the Civil society not to be influenced by anything else other than the National Interest and what is best for the country.
“In the remaining short period of this tenure it is expected of us to complete the Constitution, and at the same time create an ‘electoral process’ that is viable since the much expected ‘one person one vote’ process is inapplicable because of circumstances”, said Prime Minister Sharmarke in his closing remarks. And finally urged the importance to approach these tasks in unison.