Mogadishu, Somalia – In an incident that unfolded on Friday night, a fierce clash between rival factions within the Somali army resulted in the loss of at least three government soldiers’ lives, with several others sustaining injuries.
The confrontation occurred in the Kawo-Godey neighborhood of the Dharkenley district, pitting Somali police forces against military personnel loyal to former military Captain Shegow.
The skirmish erupted unexpectedly when security forces, engaged in a mission, encountered troops led by General Shegow, whom Somali police spokesman Sadiq Adan Ali Doodishe described as “militias.” The clash quickly escalated, leading to casualties and injuries among both factions involved.
During a press conference held on Saturday morning, Sadiq Adan Ali Doodishe provided further details, revealing that two of the fallen soldiers were affiliated with General Shegow’s forces, while the third was a police officer.
Four other security personnel sustained injuries during the intense exchange of gunfire., no civilian casualties were reported.
Responding to the of the situation, the security forces wasted no time in taking decisive action.
Captain Shegow and eight of his military personnel were swiftly apprehended from his residence, which served as the epicenter of the clash. Authorities have confirmed that these individuals will face accountability for their actions within the justice system.
In the aftermath of the incident, residents of the Kawo-Godey neighborhood have reported that the situation has returned to a semblance of normalcy.
Security analysts have raised concerns about the implications of such internal conflicts within the military.
Questions arise about the potential impact on the overall effectiveness and cohesion of the armed forces, as well as the potential security risks posed by these factions.
Furthermore, analysts contemplate the implications of defeating groups like Al-Shabaab and the potential power vacuum that may occur, leaving room for these militias to become a significant security challenge.