During a Twitter Space program hosted by the Somali National Television, the National Security Adviser to the President of Somalia, Hussein Sheikh Ali, presented the government’s plan to achieve national security. The plan includes taking over national security, the departure of the ATMIS army, the lifting of the arms embargo on the country, the building of the national army, and the fight to liberate Al-Shabaab.
Hussein Sheikh explained that the ATMIS operation failed in its plan to change the name of the national army to liberate the country from the Al-Shabaab group, citing a lack of requested equipment such as warplanes and other materials. In order to free the country from Al-Shabaab and get rid of ATMIS, he stated that additional troops have been requested from countries on the front line, which will support the Somali National Army in the second phase of the Al-Shabaab war.
The first phase of the war against Al-Shabaab is concluding, and the second phase will begin with the participation of troops from the frontline countries. Hussein Sheikh emphasized that 18 months have been planned to liberate the country from the Al-Shabaab group, so that the ATMIS mission can be concluded, and the government of Somalia will have complete control over the security of the territory of the Republic.
He also stated that the funds that the European Union pays the ATMIS army will be transferred to the Somali national army, and the army that was a precursor to the departure of ATMIS and their salaries of 2,000 have been transferred to the Somali national army.
Hussein Sheikh said that he is campaigning for the Somali government to lift the arms embargo that has been imposed on the country for many years. The lifting of the embargo would allow Somalia to purchase the necessary weapons and equipment to build a strong and capable national army, which is essential for achieving national security.