Monitoring and Evaluation Department of ,Somalia’s Ministry of Planning, Investment and Economic Development in collaboration with Monitoring and Evaluation departments and sections from the Federal Government and Federal Mekber States, recently conducted a joint assessment of the Somali Resilience programmes (Somrep) consortium’s programs and projects.
The purpose of the evaluation was to evaluate the relevance of the interventions to the National Development Plan-9 (NDP-9) and to gather valuable insights, lessons learned, and best practices that can inform the future adaptation of the programs.
The exercise was conducted in three towns, Dolow, Baidoa, and Beledweyne towns.
According to the ministry, the exercise provided an excellent opportunity to identify areas of success and areas for improvement, which can ultimately strengthen the effectiveness of these programs in supporting Somalia’s development goals.
The Somali Resilience Program (SomReP) is a member-led, resilience-building consortium that strengthens the capacity of pastoralist, agro-pastoralist, fisherfolk and peri-urban host and internally displaced persons communities. With a focus on women, youth and people with disability, the programme aims to mitigate the impact of natural and manmade shocks and stressors, adapt to climate change, as well as diversify and adopt sustainable livelihood strategies.
SomReP works directly with communities, in partnership with government, local civil society and the private sector in disaster risk management, including access to early warning and early action mechanisms, climate change adaptation, natural resource management, assets development, value chain development, inclusive market systems and economic empowerment, and social inclusion. Safety nets strengthening, combined with livestock and agricultural recovery, also form the core of SomReP’s resilience efforts.