Former Puntland president Abdirahman Farole has condemned Al-shabab’s onslaught on Maka Al-Mukarama Hotel in Mogadishu on Friday. The attack which was a siege killed at least 20 people mostly government officials and civilians.
Abdurahman Farole who is currently living in Australia offered his genuine condolences to deceased officials, saying Federal government has neglected capital’s security.
“The government should take attack’s responsibility. Ambassador Bari-Bari just was not a normal person no one has given any concern about his safety “Dr. Faroole said.
“No security investigations being made after he was murdered so I am criticizing the government for that†he said.
The former Puntland president asked security authorities to give further details about the attack and how Al-shabaab infiltrated to kidnap civilians. He said that Federal government has entirely failed to address prevailing Al-shabab threats in Mogadishu.