In an incident on Saturday morning, two individuals believed to be affiliated with the Al-Shabaab group were apprehended by security forces following a vehicle explosion at a police checkpoint in Mogadishu.
The incident unfolded at the War Laliska junction in the Daynille district, where police were conducting routine inspections of vehicles passing through the area.
Eyewitnesses near the scene reported that the vehicle in question detonated as police officers were conducting their inspection.
It is suspected that the occupants of the vehicle attempted to bypass the checkpoint, prompting the security forces to take action and intercept them. The response by the authorities led to the l arrest of the two suspects shortly after the blast occurred.
It remains unclear whether there were any casualties resulting from the explosion.
The immediate aftermath of the incident was marked by confusion and a flurry of activity as emergency services and law enforcement personnel swiftly arrived at the scene to secure the area and assess the situation.
The Al-Shabaab group has been responsible for numerous acts of violence in Somalia, targeting civilians, security forces, and government institutions.
Investigations into the explosion and the motives behind the suspects’ actions are currently underway.