Today, the EU and UNHABITAT marked the closure of the SECIL project with a ceremony highlighting the jobs and basic urban services the project has created for the Mogadishu’s residents over the past 3.5 years.
With a total support of 3.5 million EUR, the EU and its implementing partner UNHABITAT rehabilitated key markets, established a sustainable solid waste collection system, strengthened regulations and skills in the construction sector, established laboratories for the testing of water quality and construction material quality, improved access to safe drinking water, established a Technical Training Centre, and provided valuable employment and livelihood opportunities to community groups engaged in low-cost fuel production.
“The SECIL project is a great achievement for Somalia’s capital, said the EU Ambassador to Somalia, Michele Cervone d’Urso. It will bring a visible change in the Mogadishu resident’s every day lives by providing cleaner water, a cleaner environment and more jobs. And this is what the Somalis want.”
The project “Sustainable Employment Creation and Improved Livelihoods for Vulnerable Urban Communities in Mogadishu (SECIL)” has worked in close partnership with the Benadir Regional Administration (BRA) to ensure the sustainability of project activities.
The EU, UN-Habitat and BRA highlighted the unique approach of the SECIL project and praised its developmental outlook. They also emphasized the strong commitment of the local authorities to take over and maintain project activities for the future. (END)