The Chairperson of the East and Horn of African Human Rights Defenders Network Hassan Shire Sheikh has welcomed the prosecution of former Chadian President Hussein Habre in Senegal.
Rights groups and a Chad truth commission accused Habre of being responsible for more than 40,000 political killings, systematic tortures and other violations during his time as president.
Judges found sufficient evidence for Habre to be charged after a 19-month investigation.
Mr. Hassan said he supports the idea of prosecuting African leaders who committed crimes against African people within their own continent in order to serve justice instead of transferring them to international criminal court in the Netherlands.
Speaking to BBC Somali version Mr. Shire said the East and Horn of African Human Rights Defenders Network advocates for African problem for African solution.
The East and Horn of African Human Rights Defenders Network which operates in several regional countries has been instrumental in defending rights of Somali human rights activtis  in recent years while sometimes providing safe haven for exile journalists.