Warka Duhurnimo Ee Radio Dalsan waxa soo jeedinaya Nuur Cali Faarax iyo Fartuun Cabdi Cali.
Warka Duhurnimo Ee Radio Dalsan waxa soo jeedinaya Nuur Cali Faarax iyo Fartuun Cabdi Cali.
The Federal Government of Somalia has announced the successful execution of a targeted operation that led to the deaths of...
President Said Abdullahi Deni of Puntland held a significant meeting with the youth of Bari Region this evening. During the...
Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Mudane Xamsa Cabdi Barre, ayaa caawa booqday dhaawacyada Ciidanka Qaranka iyo kuwa deegaanka ee...
Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa sheegtay in ay howlgal qorsheysan ku dishay laba xubnood oo sar sare oo ka tirsanaa kooxda...
Radio Station
Radio Dalsan was established in April 2012 in Mogadishu, Somalia with FM frequency 91.5MHz . The radio is registered with the federal ministry of information in Somalia. Dalsan is an independent and autonomous FM Radio station. The radio broadcasts for 18 hours in Somalia and also the Radio is on satellite broadcasting to Africa and Asia.
© 2024 Radio Dalsan - Allrights reserved.
© 2024 Radio Dalsan - Allrights reserved.