A violent clash unfolded on Friday evening in Jowhar, the capital of the HirShabeelle regional government, as troops from Danab and the HirShabeelle Police engaged in a gunfight.
The conflict erupted when the HirShabeelle police forces launched an attack on Danab soldiers outside the city.
The skirmish resulted in the loss of life, with one Danab soldier and a civilian reported to have been killed by the HirShabeelle police. Additionally, another soldier was injured, and there are unconfirmed reports of additional casualties among the Danab forces at the hands of the HirShabeelle police officers.
The confrontation originated when the Danab forces began firing within the city of Jowhar. The police repeatedly demanded that the Danab cease their gunfire, as it posed a threat to the safety of the city’s residents. Allegedly, the Danab troops, who reside outside the city, continued to discharge their weapons within the urban area, leading to heightened anger among the police.
As of now, neither the federal government nor the HirShabeelle state administration have released any official statements regarding the specifics of the military clash that unfolded in Jowhar, the capital of HirShabeelle.
Danab, a highly trained commando force of the Somali National Army, has received training and support from the US government. The unit has been instrumental in conducting offensive operations against Al-Shabaab, an Al-Qaeda-linked militant group, by swiftly reclaiming territory previously held by the insurgents.
The incident in Jowhar highlights the volatile nature of the security situation in Somalia and the challenges faced in maintaining law and order.