More than 30 Somali Journalists in Mogadishu have decried the treatment by United Nation on drugs and crime (UNODC ) on Tuesday morning.
Radio stations,TV and publication directors who have gathered at the gate of Halane base to attend training of Journalists on reporting of trafficking in persons and Smuggling of Migrants have been denied entry into the compound maned by AMISOM.
They said were invited by UN office on drugs and crimes for training and were denied entry into compound without giving any reason for the move.
The Journalists have called on United Nation on drugs and crime (UNODC ) office on drugs and crime to apologize.
Abdinassir Idle one of the Journalists affected has told radio Dalsan that United Nation on drugs and crime (UNODC ) Â should apologize for the behavior of disorganization.
Despite working on dangerous environment Somali Journalists mainly face obstacle in their day to day activities they are still commited to work
Five hours after we published the story United Nation on drugs and crime (UNODC )  sent bellow apology letter.
Dear participant,
I wish to sincerely apologize for today’s morning anomalies in coordination of our training. Your names had been shared with the Madina gate as earlier communicated your invitation letter but we later learnt that majority of you used the main gate to the airport.
We have distributed copies of the list now and I have also attached the approved clearance list if you wish to come with it as proof.
Mohamed (in copy) is also conducting you to ensure that you find it easy tomorrow for the meeting.
Kindly plan to attend tomorrow’s session as early as 8 am.
I will be there before that time and my Harmoud line is now working, so you can reach me on 0612116691 or you can reach Mohamed on 0616959278
Look forward to meeting you tomorrow.