Officers drawn from the Somali Police Force (SPF) have on Sunday commenced a 7-day training program on community policing and crime prevention techniques at the General Kaahiye Police Academy in the Nation capital Mogadishu.
The training organized and facilitated by the African Union Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) Police aims to equip the officers with knowledge and skills essential for community safety and the overall security of Somalia.
Somali Police Force Director General of Operations Command, Brigadier General Mohamed Mohamud Mohamed,
and Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Samuel Asiedu Okanta, ATMIS Police Training and Development Coordinator, reaffirmed their undivided commitment to advancing the capabilities of SPF officers.
They significantly highlighted the importance of the ongoing training, underscoring their dedication and zeal to continue enhancing and improving the knowledge of the Somali police personnel.
The training program is expected to impart practical skills to the officers on how to safeguard the Somali people and deal with criminal activities.
As the curtain draws on them ,the African Union Peace Mission has in recent weeks been embroiled in training and workshops geared towards uplifting and boosting the capabilities of the Somali Police officers as they take over security responsibilities.
The Mission has so far embarked on its second phase of troops drawdown and hand over of major critical installations to the Somali security forces in line with the United Nations Security resolution mandating their total withdrawal from the Horn of Africa Nation by 31st December, 2024.