In an organized raid on Sunday, the National Armed Forces and its security allies apprehended six Al-Shabaab terrorists and subdued a car carrying explosives in the Lower Juba area’s Welmaro village. The 43rd Division commander of the National Armed Forces, General Ali Mohamud Badmadow, confirmed that the prisoners had been transported to the Afmadow District. Over 40 militants were killed in ground and aerial attacks, and several bodies were displayed as part of the operation, which was effective in impeding the Al-Shabaab terrorist group’s operations according to statement by Ministry of information . The pursuit for the Al-Shabaab militia, which poses a threat to the safety and security of the Somali people, is still being conducted by security forces. The Regional Safety and Security is still a priority for the National Armed Forces and their security allies.
In the meantime, al-Shabab-controlled town of Xagar in the Lower Juba region has been invaded by Somali government forces with the assistance of regional security forces from Jubaland on Sunday.
Xagar is 80 kilometers (50 miles) from Buale, the capital of Jubaland state, which has been controlled by al-Shabab for more than 15 years. Buale is also the regional capital of Middle Juba, the only region entirely controlled by al-Shabab. It is unclear if the troops will establish a regular base in Xagar or advance to Buale.