Interior Ministry Spokesman Abdiaziz Ibrahim on Saturday opened up on the frustration he has had to undergo as a government official claiming he had not received his salary for almost one year.
“We have not received our salaries for 11 months and if I die my children needs will be taken over by the Queen of UK” Ibrahim said at a briefing on the Alshabaab Friday attack on the Interior Ministry Headquarters.
“Am a father and I want to teach my children that they have a country but it’s the Queen that pays for their bills.” Ibrahim who is also a British citizen and has lived in the UK for more than 20 years said.
Ibrahim believes the Friday attack was a direct outcome of frustration on security agents and officials by the Somalia government.
“It’s not possible for Alshabaab to easily pass the security blocks while we know that an expectant mother and school children are prohibited from using this road.” Ibrahim said.
He now demands that top security officials be questioned over the attack accusing the goverent of failing Somalia nationals.
“A politician with personal interest will give empty promises and unfulfilled pledges” the spokesman said.
“No top official has resigned over failure to secure the citizens. We are tired of apologies everytime attacks happen” he added.
He accused some politicians of being “thieves” overriden by personal interest at the expense of national priority.
He accused some politicians as thieves who have not been doing their jobs but filling their heavy bags according to him
Radio Dalsan is yet to confirm on his claims on salary delays.
Ibrahim was author and controversial blogger before he was appointed Spokesman is reportedly has he haver been able to maintain his stay at the expensive Jazeera Hotel in Mogadishu.