Eedeysanaha oo lagu magacaabo TARAFIS REYNKING ayaa la sheegay inuu baxsaday, kadib, markii uu toogasho ku dilay 5 qof oo ku sugnayd Baarka Waffle House oo ku ysalla magaalladda NASHVILLE ee Gobalka TENNESSEE.
Ciiddamo isugu jira Boliska iyo kuwa Hay’adda FBI-da ayaa bilaabay Hawlgal ay ku baadi-goobayaan Eedeysanaha oo la sheegay isagoo qaawan inuu ka baxsaday Shaqaalaha Baarkaasi oo iyaga horey u qabtay.
Eedeysanahaasi oo 29-jir ah waxaa sannadkii hore lagu xiray, isagoo ku sugna meel ku dhow Aqalka Cad ee magaalladda Washington.
Law enforcement officials work the scene of a fatal shooting at a Waffle House in the Antioch neighborhood of Nashville, Sunday, April 22, 2018. (George Walker IV/The Tennessean via AP)Bullet holes are seen at a Waffle House after a fatal shooting in the Antioch neighborhood of Nashville, Sunday, April 22, 2018. (George Walker IV/The Tennessean via AP)This photo provided by the Metro Nashville Police Department photo shows the rifle used in the deadly shooting at a Waffle House on Sunday, April 22, 2018, in the Antioch neighborhood of Nashville. (Metro Nashville Police Department via AP)This photo provided by Metro Nashville Police Department shows Travis Reinking, who police are searching for in connection with a fatal shooting at a Waffle House restaurant in the Antioch neighborhood of Nashville early Sunday, April 22, 2018. (Metro Nashville Police Department via AP)
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In a targeted operation in the Middle Shabelle region, the National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) successfully eliminated senior Al-Shabaab...