The peaceful atmosphere of Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland, was disrupted on Thursday as a clash erupted between two esteemed traditional elders, Sultan Saleban Boqor Osman, popularly known as “Habar,” and Sultan Aresh, leaving Sultan Mahad Aresh wounded.
The altercation between Sultan Habar and Sultan Aresh took a grave turn when Sultan Habar reportedly fired a gunshot, striking Sultan Mahad Aresh in the leg. The heated argument that preceded this unfortunate incident remains the subject of investigation.
Fortunately, swift police intervention prevented further escalation as law enforcement forces swiftly arrived at the scene, apprehending Sultan Habar. Meanwhile, Sultan Mahad Aresh, gravely injured, was promptly rushed to a nearby medical facility, where he is currently receiving treatment for his wounds.
This distressing occurrence bears a striking resemblance to an incident that transpired last year, wherein Sultan Habar was involved in a confrontation with Guruuje, a member of the Somaliland House of Representatives. During that altercation, Sultan Habar had injured Guruuje with a stick, raising concerns about his temperament and propensity for violence.
Sultan Habar, renowned for his eloquent and persuasive oratory skills, has long been a prominent figure in Somaliland. His powerful speeches addressing the media have garnered significant attention and respect from the community. However, this recent act of violence has cast a shadow of doubt over his character and actions, prompting a critical examination of his behavior.
As authorities continue their investigation into the clash between Sultan Habar and Sultan Aresh, the incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of peaceful dialogue and conflict resolution, especially among revered figures who are expected to uphold values of harmony and unity within the community.
The people of Somaliland now await further updates on Sultan Mahad Aresh’s condition, hoping for his swift recovery, while simultaneously reflecting on the need for restraint and non-violence, even in moments of disagreement.